Styling and Art Direction


Terapi" is a Brazilian knitwear fashion label known for its expertise in crochet work. My involvement with the label began during my thesis, where I delved into pop culture and explored how to archive and collect aesthetics in a fast-paced world. My research focused on the crochet aesthetic in Rio de Janeiro, leading to a collaboration with "Terapi." I actively participated in photoshoots, collaborating on styling, while my studio, "Pomalo," contributed accessories. The inspiration for the shoot was drawn from the film "Orfeu Negro" at Babilonia Hill.

Shooting Fotography by: @j.oaocabral

Studio Pomalo

The "Inverno Brasileiro" photoshoot for Studio Pomalo stemmed from a friendship with Luiz, a dedicated vintage enthusiast. The objects and clothing were procured from Praca VX in Rio de Janeiro, a well-known flea market. I personally conceived the styling and concept, with the intention of portraying a Brazilian winter, a theme not often explored in a country dominated by summer. My objective was to create a warm yet tropical winter ambiance, set indoors in a cozy wooden cabin.

In contrast to the  Brazilian Winter here an Swiss Alpine summer landscape and warm waters in a country typically associated with cold, I aimed to showcase aesthetics that are not commonly used to represent Swiss culture, such as lush greenery and fresh mountains, and the idea of tying hair back to beat the heat. I always focus on styling and portraying people who are close to me, sharing their stories. I combine photoshoots with mini-portraits of individuals to create the identity of Pomalo through storytelling. The photoshoots play a significant role in shaping this identity. This is an Photomontage.

Art Diraction



For  the Artist Anouchka Gwen.

I was actively involved in the photoshoot of Utopia, and I also contributed by creating various hair styles that would later complement the graphic design work I had planned for the artist. I enjoy being part of both the photoshoot and the graphic design process, as it allows for direct communication of the vision with all collaborators in the project.

Hair styling Asistance

All Colaboratives marked on this post Instagram


An alternative prospective of
ageing within creativity Foreword
The future of ageing doesn’t concern the elderlies only, it concerns all of us. As we look towards our own future, it’s worth asking ourselves what we
would like to see, and one day, experience too. Ageing should not be a survival act, it should be fun, entertaining and stimulating. This is the reason why, for this photographic project, we went looking for older people who had worked in the creative field and whom, rather than falling into the stereotypical path of ageing, have shaped their lives and likewise
their silver years according to their terms. These pictures aim to represent what being old while still pursuing an artistic, spontaneous and sometimes
childish vision within the everyday urban context can look like. A Project of Trends & Identity.

My contribution:
Casting Model/Set
Co- of Fotography
Co- of Concept


I love to design and sew clothes for popeole.
I always try to work interdisciplinarily. This project is my long term Research Project. I do kind of everything. I will grow in the position of this Art Direction, Styling, Camera and Texting. In the future, I want to collaborate with people, so I can focus on styling and the portraits text. Personal Project.

Set Design

Styling Assistance for Jaqueline Loekito

Photographer by @luciahunziker for @llhproductions
Model by @pxartic @mielefant @rollingeddie
Make up @ini_april
Team @baslermargrit @nabishabba and Victoria
Styling assistants @siliciumdioxid @nabishabba